As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to be servants. After washing his disciples’ feet, Jesus said, “ I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you” (John 13:15).
This weekend, July 28 and 29, is the Second Harvest Mobile Food Pantry. Twice a year Central partners with First Farragut United Methodist Church to serve those in need with an offering of free food, clothing, and school supplies. We come together to serve others and love in the same way Christ loved us.
“The Food Pantry brings together the community and gives us the chance to interact with them. It gives us a chance to show the community that somebody does care about them and does love them and you want to help them,” said Francie Jones, Central’s Adult Education Director.
“It keeps the church close to the community so that they know Central is visibly showing God’s love and is willing to lend a helping hand.”

If you are interested in serving, there are two opportunities for volunteers:
1. Friday morning - set-up for the pantry.
This involves moving the chairs out of the sanctuary and setting up tables for the different food stations. Also, when the food truck arrives, help will be needed to unload the food and organize the food stations.
2. Saturday morning - food distribution
People are needed for the different stations to help push grocery carts and help load cars for the families
“The mission of Central is to be there for the community; to love on our neighbors. People need help. There’s people out there that are struggling to just put food on the table for their kids and they need help, whether giving them food through this pantry or backpacks and clothes for back to school. It’s important to fill those needs for them,” said Francie.
If you would like to serve this weekend, please contact Betty White at bobebettym@bellsouth.net.