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Announcements - Week of 10/28


Contribution Statements Available

Please pick your contribution statement up in the Gathering Area.

Connection - November

The November newsletter is now available in the Gathering Area and here.

Join the Choir Holiday Season

The holiday season is right around the corner. Our choir has a very busy season ahead of us. On November 26, we will be joining Cokesbury UMC for their major Thanksgiving concert. Then on December 15, Central will be holding a combined service, where the choir and guest orchestra will be presenting Handel’s Messiah. If you are interested in joining us for either of these events please see Tyler Owens or any choir member. Being able to read music is not a requirement, all are welcome and we would love to have you join us! Hope to see you in choir!


Tech Talk for Parents • November 3 from 3-4pm

Technology is advancing at a rapid pace and our children are growing up in it. But how can you prepare yourself as a parent to protect your kids and understand this part of the world they are growing up in? All parents are invited to join us for this special event!

Resurrection 2020 • November 3 from 3-4pm

It’s that time of year again! We are gearing up for our big winter retreat to Pigeon Forge on January 24-26. Registration is now open! Early bird discount closes November 24th. Submit a $50 deposit to lock in your price! Register at

Martha Circle will meet Tuesday, November 5 at 1:30 pm in room C121. All women of our church family are invited.

2020 Mission Trip • If you are interested in participating in a short-term mission trip to Costa Rica from May 23-30, 2020 please contact April Dugger at 865-228-4508 or Jackie Henderson at 757-218-3821.

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