Hi Central, If you were with us on Sunday, you will know what a great day of worship we had! It was special not only because of music, scripture, prayer, preaching, and the consecration of our giving for 2018. It was also special because we recognized three individuals with the Thanks For Giving award.

In the early service we recognized Lee and Bri McCurry. As many of you know, Lee is active in our praise band and plays all things with strings. He is a singer/songwriter and serves weekly because he loves to give back and lead God's people in worship. Bri has served with children's ministry for a long time and is active with our youth. Bri and Lee serve behind the scenes in too many ways to list and we honor their commitment and service. Bri and Lee, Thanks-For-Giving!
In our late service, we honored Dr. Ric Best.Ric has served our church and community in so many ways over the years.
One of the things I love about Ric is his love for Christ and his willingness to serve up front and behind the scenes. As Trevor said in his presentation, "This man is willing to go far beyond what is asked of him. From filling in on piano and organ, to running sectional rehearsals, to writing out by hand the scoring of music, this man steps up".
Ric has made a mark on us at Central and we are eternally grateful and thankful. Ric, Thanks-For-Giving! This Sunday in worship, we will look at our true identity as Christians as well as celebrate all saints day by remembering those saints who have joined the church triumphant. If you have not yet completed your estimate of giving card for 2018, please do so asap or contact Joel for more information.

Paul says in Galatians 6:2, "Carry (or bear) each other's burdens and in this way you fulfill the law of Christ." Central, let's continue to bear one another's burdens in lifting up people faithfully in prayer, connecting with one another through a phone call, text, or visit, and by serving and reaching out to others with the love of Christ! Have a great weekend and see youSunday! God's Best, Scott