Girlfriends Event
Join Girlfriends for fun, fellowship and friendship at 6pm on Monday, February 6 for dinner at Aubrey's in Lenoir City.
Painters Needed!
The Trustees are organizing a Painting of the Hallways on January 20th & 21st. Volunteers are needed on both days to help prep the walls on Friday (at your convenience) & paint on Saturday (beginning at 9am). If you would like to volunteer, contact Ray Morton at 607-1151 or sign up at Welcome Desk.
Confirmation is an important step in the journey of faith for our students and often is the first profession of their intent to live as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. Confirmation classes will be starting soon. Stayed tuned for more information. If you have a child in 6th grade or above who is interested in participating in Confirmation, please call or email Debby Long at 986-7329 or DebbyL@CentralMethodist.com.
United Methodist Women
Ruth Circle: This Thursday, Jan. 19 at 1:30 pm in rm. 121 for Pledge Service
Hope Circle: Next Tuesday, Jan. 24 at 6:30 pm for supper and Pledge Service, location TBA, for additional information contact Sandy Valentine at 898-9045
Hands-on Mission for January and February: We will join with other groups in the church for "Souper Bowl" donations for Good Samaritan Center--canned soups and protein foods such as peanut butter, canned tuna and chicken, and canned foods including pork & beans, pinto beans/ white beans; boxed mac & cheese mixes. Bring items to the UMW box in the Donation Center in the Narthex. (Throughout the year we will continue to collect toiletries (including travel size) for KARM and Box Tops for Education for Henderson Settlement/Red Bird; these items can also be brought to the Donation Center.) UMW members will serve as ushers at the 11:00 service on Jan. 29.
Pancake Breakfast
Please come out and help support CUMC's Boy Scout Troop 354 and enjoy some great Pancakes! The Troop's Pancake Breakfast will be at Lenoir City's Ruby Tuesday on Saturday, January 28th from 8am to 10am. Tickets are only $5 from your nearest Scout, or purchase them at the door. All funds from tickets go directly to the Troop and Scouts!